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2025-02-12 12:37:48 | 学子网

















2020年至今,学院有100多名学生获得本科学位,10余名优秀毕业生考取泰国、俄罗斯等国或地区高等学府硕士研究生,成就了自己的本科梦、研究生梦想。 学子网

Hainan College of Foreign Studies is located in Wenchang City, the biggest Satellite Launch Center in China. The college was established in 1947, being the only full-time public vocational college of foreign studies in China approved by the Ministry of Education. It provides the biggest number of foreign languages and offers education at different majors of foreign languages in Hainan Province. It became the second college co-supported by Hainan Province and Wenchang City in 2012 and one of the provincial key vocational colleges in 2018.

Covering an area of over 650 mu, the college is famous for its beautiful surroundings, complete living facilities and perfect teaching conditions. It has more than 50 advanced teaching facilities and more than 30 off-campus bases for students to practice and undertake their internship all over the country. The college is also bases for some institutes, such as National Institute of Vocational Education in Hainan Province, Hainan Social Science Popularizing Model Base, ASEAN Languages and Cultures Popularizing Model Base, Hainan English and Japanese Applied Research Institute and Hainan Research Center for Applied Foreign Languages.

The college has more than 30 majors concerning 20 foreign languages such as English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portugal, Italian, Thai Language, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Arabic, Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, Lao, Croatian, Romanian and Bulgarian. The college mainly focuses on cultivating the practical talents involving Foreign Languages, Business Trade, Tourism, Art and so on. The college has cultivated a large number of highly qualified and practical talents for the society in the past years.

The college has more than 400 full-time and part-time teachers, including 77 professors and associate professors and more than 30 foreign teachers speaking over a dozen of different languages. The teachers here are of miscellaneous backgrounds, ranging from specialists on foreign language education to overseas returnees, from experts on affairs of international trade and tourism services to holders of such titles as “Model Teacher” and “Mainstay Teacher” and from “Guest Professors” hired from either other institutions of higher education or research institutions to business people and line managers of enterprises.

The college has established cooperative ties with nearly one hundred well-reputed enterprises in and out of Hainan by entering into “order training” agreement with them. With an average employment rate of as high as 95%, graduates from HNCFS are well-received in national cooperation. It has signed agreements with more than 40 foreign universities, colleges and companies for cooperation on such matters as educational programs and course development, exchange of international students and teachers, continued education and paid trainees etc. HNCFS accepts international students from a variety of countries such as, among others, Canada, Japan, Korea, Russia, Thailand and Denmark.

All-round development of students is highly valued at HNCFS. Students here are not only doing well in language study, but also in all kinds of extracurricular activities. In the past 5 years, students of HNCFS won more than 300 provincial level prizes and more than 60 national level prizes in all kinds of competitions, such as translating contests, English speech contests, language application skill contests, singing contests and sports contests etc. What’s more, the college also encourages students to take part in social practice. For instance, the art ensemble and etiquette team, both students’ organizations, often take trips to Hong Kong for friendship promoting programs while many others are frequently seen volunteering at the venues of important international events, such as 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, Shanghai World Expo 2010 and the annual session of Bo’ao Forum for Asia held in Bo’ao, Hainan. Wherever they are, their deeds are highly acclaimed by people from all walks of life.

Today, taking advantage of the favorable opportunities brought about by China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, HNCFS is now in the process of making double efforts to press ahead with its internal reform with a view to improving graduates’ quality while following a path of “development through international cooperation and soft power strengthening”. Looking ahead, we are convinced that HNCFS will one day become one of China’s best of its kind in the near future with advanced school-running philosophy and distinctive management characteristics.



上海外国语大学收费标准上海外国语大学收费标准 八、收费标准及奖助学措施 1、学费:本科:每人5000元/学年(按学分制收费);高职:每人7500元/学年,应用法语(商务法语)专业(中法校际交流合作班)每人13000元/学年; 2、住宿费:每人1500元/学年。 上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院院校简介上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院院校简介国家首批全日制本科独立学院上海外国语大学贤达经

2025-01-18 11:42:04

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河北外国语学院收费标准河北外国语学院收费标准 收费标准:学费每生每学年5000元,住宿费每生每年800元。 河北外国语学院院校简介河北外国语学院院校简介河北外国语学院位于河北省石家庄市,始建于1998年,原名“石家庄联合科技专修学院”。2001年4月,开展河北省学历文凭试点教育。2003年1月,经河北省教育厅批准,升格为高职院校“石家庄外语翻译职业学院”。2011年筹建本科,2012年3月

2025-02-12 12:27:26

北京第二外国语学院收费标准北京第二外国语学院收费标准 学费:外语类本科5000元/年人、非外语类本科4200元/年人。 (如有变动以北京市批复为准) 住宿费:住宿费及住宿安排以录取通知书通知内容为准。 校内学生公寓:收费标准为750元/年人; 校内7号学生公寓:收费标准为1200元/年人; 校外大学生公寓:收费标准为1500元/年人。 北京第二外国语学院院校简介北京第二

2025-01-19 10:54:02

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2025-02-09 16:54:41

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2025-01-17 20:22:09

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2025-01-22 19:02:12

西安外国语大学收费标准西安外国语大学收费标准 六、收费标准: 学费:普通本科4500元/每生/年(其中汉语言文学专业为3500元/每生/年);高职5500元/每生/年;艺术类专业11000元/每生/年。 住宿费:650—1200元/每生/年。 西安外国语大学院校简介西安外国语大学院校简介西安外国语大学是新中国最早建立的4所外语院校之一,是西北地区唯一一所主要外语语种齐全的普通高校。

2025-01-23 10:59:00