2015-2016年QS世界大学排名之会计与金融专业排名(Accounting & Finance)
Rank University
1 Harvard University
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
3 Stanford University
3 University of Oxford
5 London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
6 University of Chicago
7 University of Pennsylvania
8 University of Cambridge
9 London Business School
10 New York University (NYU)
11 University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
12 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia)
13 National University of Singapore (NUS)
14 The University of Melbourne
15 Yale University
16 Columbia University
17 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
18 The University of Manchester
19 The University of Sydney
19 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
22 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU)
23 The University of Hong Kong
24 University of Michigan
25 The Australian National University
26 Princeton University
26 The University of Auckland
28 Northwestern University
28 The University of Queensland
28 Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
31 HEC Paris School of Management
32 Monash University
33 University of Texas at Austin
33 University of Toronto
35 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
35 University of British Columbia
37 Duke University
38 Cornell University
38 Peking University
40 Copenhagen Business School
41 Erasmus University Rotterdam
42 The University of Warwick
43 Seoul National University
44 The University of Tokyo
45 The University of Edinburgh
46 Imperial College London
47 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
48 McGill University
49 Stockholm School of Economics
50 Singapore Management University
51-100 Aalto University
51-100 Boston College
51-100 Boston University
51-100 Cardiff University
51-100 Carnegie Mellon University
51-100 City University London
51-100 City University of Hong Kong
51-100 ESSEC Business School
51-100 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
51-100 Fudan University
51-100 Indiana University Bloomington
51-100 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
51-100 Korea University
51-100 Lancaster University
51-100 Maastricht University
51-100 Macquarie University
51-100 Massey University
51-100 Michigan State University
51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU)
51-100 The Ohio State University
51-100 Purdue University
51-100 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
51-100 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
51-100 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
51-100 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
51-100 The University of Adelaide
51-100 The University of Nottingham
51-100 The University of Western Australia
51-100 Tilburg University
51-100 Tsinghua University
51-100 UCL (University College London)
51-100 University of Navarra
51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
51-100 Universität Frankfurt am Main
51-100 Universität Mannheim
51-100 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
51-100 University of Alberta
51-100 University of Amsterdam
51-100 University of Birmingham
51-100 University of Canterbury
51-100 University of Glasgow
51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
51-100 University of Southern California
51-100 University of St.Gallen (HSG)
51-100 University of Technology, Sydney
51-100 University of Washington
51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison
51-100 Victoria University of Wellington
51-100 WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
51-100 Yonsei University
101-150 Aarhus University
101-150 Athens University of Economics and Business
101-150 Auckland University of Technology
101-150 Deakin University
101-150 Georgetown University
101-150 Georgia Institute of Technology
101-150 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
101-150 KU Leuven
101-150 Lund University
101-150 National Chengchi University
101-150 Pennsylvania State University
101-150 Queen`s University at Kingston
101-150 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
101-150 RMIT University
101-150 Stockholm University
101-150 Technische Universität München
101-150 Texas A&M University
101-150 The University of Western Ontario
101-150 Trinity College Dublin
101-150 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
101-150 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
101-150 Universidad de Chile
101-150 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
101-150 Université de Montréal
101-150 Université Paris Dauphine
101-150 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
101-150 Universiti Malaya (UM)
101-150 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
101-150 University of Bath
101-150 University of Bristol
101-150 University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
101-150 University of Florida
101-150 University of Lausanne
101-150 University of Leeds
101-150 University of Maryland, College Park
101-150 University of Minnesota
101-150 University of Otago
101-150 University of Reading
101-150 University of Rochester
101-150 University of South Australia
101-150 University of St Andrews
101-150 University of Strathclyde
101-150 University of Virginia
101-150 University of Waikato
101-150 University of Waterloo
101-150 University of Wollongong
101-150 University of Zurich
101-150 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
101-150 Washington University in St. Louis
101-150 York University
151-200 Arizona State University
151-200 Aston University
151-200 Brigham Young University
151-200 Chulalongkorn University
151-200 Concordia University
151-200 Curtin University of Technology
151-200 Durham University
151-200 Emory University
151-200 George Washington University
151-200 Hanyang University
151-200 Hitotsubashi University
151-200 Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
151-200 Johns Hopkins University
151-200 Keio University
151-200 La Trobe University
151-200 Laval University
151-200 McMaster University
151-200 Osaka University
151-200 Oxford Brookes University
151-200 Queen Mary University of London
151-200 Rice University
151-200 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
151-200 Sogang University
151-200 The University of Georgia
151-200 The University of Sheffield
151-200 University Complutense Madrid
151-200 Universidade Nova de Lisboa
151-200 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
151-200 Università di Padova
151-200 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
151-200 University of Barcelona
151-200 University of Cologne
151-200 Universitat Pompeu Fabra
151-200 Université du Québec
151-200 Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
151-200 University College Dublin
151-200 The University of Arizona
151-200 University of California, Davis
151-200 University of California, Irvine
151-200 University of Colorado Boulder
151-200 University of Essex
151-200 The University of Exeter
151-200 University of Geneva
151-200 University of Groningen
151-200 University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC)
151-200 University of Notre Dame
151-200 University of Pittsburgh
151-200 Waseda University
151-200 WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
151-200 Zhejiang University
伦敦政治经济学院 ——会计与金融
伦敦政治经济学院 (The London School of Economics and Political Science),简称LSE。1895年创立于英国伦敦,是一所公立研究型大学,为伦敦大学联盟成员和罗素大学集团成员,被誉为金三角名校和G5。
会计学院目前提供本科、硕士、博士等不同学位课程,一共设有BSc Accounting and Finance(会计与金融理学硕士)、Diploma in Accounting and Finance(会计及财务文凭)、MSc Accounting,Organisations and Institutions(会计、组织与机构硕士)、MSc Accounting and Finance(会计与金融硕士)、MRes/PhD in Accounting(会计学研究型硕士/博士)五个专业。
杜伦大学(Durham University)是英格兰最早开设的一批大学,始建于1832年,是仅次于牛津大学和剑桥大学的英格兰第三古老的大学。杜伦大学的商科水平与G5院校相比也毫不逊色。
兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)始建于1964年,位于英格兰西北部兰开夏郡。该校享有着良好的学术声誉,拥有英国顶尖的
国王学院(King‘s College)成立于1441年,为伦敦大学创校学院、罗素大学集团成员、被誉为“金三角名校”。会计,责任与财务管理专业将深入了解全球企业面临的一系列问题,课程提供对会计和财务管理的经济,技术和体制基础的高级理解。
格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)位于英国第三大城市格拉斯哥市,始建于1451年,是全球最为古老的十所大学之一,英国老牌名校,全球百强大学,英国名校联盟“罗素大学集团”和国际大学组织“Universitas 21”的创始成员。在2021年《完全大学指南》英国大学排名中,该校会计与金融专业位居英国第一。
约克大学(University of York)位于英格兰约克郡,1963年建校,是素有英国常青藤盟校之称的罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)和白玫瑰大学联盟(White Rose University Consortium)成员之一。