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2024-11-01 12:40:14 | 学子网






















Text 1
W: What do you think we need to buy for our new kitchen?
M: We've got a fridge and a dinner table already. We need some chairs.
Text 2
M: I’d like to stay two nights, please
W: Do you want full board or half board?
M: What's the difference?
W: Full board includes all meals and half board includes just breakfast and dinner.
Text 3
M: Shouldn't we invite Cathy to the party tonight?
W: Invite Cathy? She’s the one who’s planning the whole thing.
Text 4
M: Did you say you were driving to town this morning?
W: Yes, I have to draw some money from the bank to pay my bookstore bills.
Text 5
M: What are you working on so hard?
W: An article for the newspaper. If I am late, it won’t get printed until next week.
Text 6
M: Excuse me, I think you’re in my seat.
W: Sorry, but it says 7A on my boarding card.
M: Oh, right, I asked for a window seat, you see.
W: Yeah, so did I. What’s your seat number?
M: Let’s see…oh, it’s 8A.
W: So I guess you’re in the seat behind me.
M: Oh, yes, sorry about that.
Text 7
M: Can I help you?
W: Yes, how much are these T-shirts?
M: They are $12.50 each.
W: I like the green one, but it isn’t big enough. Have you got a larger size?
M: Just a minute. No, I'm sorry we haven't. What about the black one?
W: No, it’s too dark. I prefer something lighter, yellow or pink.
M: How about the pink one?
W: Yes, that’s nice. I’ll take it.
M: That’s $.12.50 then, please.
W: Here you are.
Text 8
W: So how long have you been living in London?
M: Er, a couple of years. How long have you been working here?
W: Only a few months. I moved down here for the job. There was no work for me where I came from.
M: Where did you come from then.
W: I came from a small village called Arnside near Lancaster a year ago, hmm, there was nothing to do there. So I moved to London.
M: Do you enjoy working here in this restaurant?
W: Very much so.
Text 9
M: I'm sure you've noticed a lot of things that are different about our school.
W: Oh, Yes, in the United States we don’t have to carry a big schoolbag with us as you do.
M: Why is that?
W: We have a locker of our own which is a small box with a lock. We keep textbooks and our personal things in it. I just bring a day pack to school.
M: A day pack?
W: Yes, it’s a small bag that you carry on your back.
M: What do you carry in it?
W: My notebooks or a few books for homework.
M: That's convenient. Is there anything else you've noticed about our school?
W: Yes, I am surprised that everyone is so silent in class.
M: What do you mean?
W: Well, we usually ask questions about exams, homework or textbooks on the first day of the school year. The teacher likes such questions.
M: So you felt it different.
W: Yes, I expected to see a lot of discussions in class because we learn that way in the United States.
M: I see. That'll be a good topic for our school newspaper for the first month of the term. Nice talking with you. See you around. Bye.
W: Bye.
Text 10
W: Good morning, evrybody. Today for our writing class, we are glad to have Mr. Henry Stone with us, a well-known writer in this country. He’s going to share with us his writing experiences. Now, Henry, please tell us how you find so many interesting things for your stories.
M: Okay, I watch people a lot. I do that when I travel. I’ve been to many countries such as Britain, Italy and Sweden. So I spend a lot of time at airports. While waiting for my flights, I watch people passing by and start my imagination. For example, the other day when I was waiting for my flight for Greece, I saw a couple. They were buying magazines at that moment. They were not wearing business clothes but the man was carrying a suitcase. Every few seconds the woman looked around. I wondered if someone was following them. Perhaps they were running away and, you know this reminded me of a story in the newspaper that day. A bank clerk stole 1,000,000 pounds a week before and disappeared with his wife. There was a picture of them in the paper. The couple really looked like the thieves. Maybe I should stop them. Just then I saw them say goodbye to each other and the woman walked away. Well sometimes I make mistakes like that but I find things like that very useful for my writing. 学子网



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